
Report to GM财务总监

发布于 05月21日 次浏览


直属上级:总经理Location: Yiliang (require live in Yiliang on working day.)工作地点:宜良 (工作日需要住在宜良)Responsibilities:工作职责:1. She/he will indeed report to General Manager directly, there will be a dotted line to the FC or CF of CHC Group 直接上报总经理,进行CHC财务管理和规划2. Lead Group Finance function in business and cost controls, cash management, corporate finance, tax planning, budgeting, internal controls and overall corporate governance 领导和管理公司财务部门,对公司的经营和成本控制,现金及资产管理,公司金融及投资,纳税筹划,预算编制,内部控制和协助公司整体管理方面负责3. Provide strategic direction to the group and partner the business group head为集团及合作业务机构提出战略方向4. Partner business group to focus on business performance and growth, business sustainability and continuity 与合作业务单位有效合作,提升经营绩效和业务发展,注重经营的持续性和连贯性5. Lead continual improvement in finance operations, processes and internal controls 领导财务运作、财务过程和内部控制方面的持续改进6. Support and direct measures to ensure sustainable business decisions 维护和有效管理,确保持续性经营决策的措施实施7. In charge of Budgeting, Cost control and Monitor operational cost/ process 负责编制预算,进行成本控制和监督、反映经营成本或经营过程8. In charge of Cash, Working Capital and inventory Management 负责现金,运营资本和库存等资产管理9. Lead in Investment decision including capex review and IRR monitoring 引导投资决策包含资本支出审核和内部收益监督10. Support Corporate Finance program, eg. fund raising, prepare the Group to be deal ready; as well as conducting due diligence, negotiation and closing 支持公司金融规划,如筹措资金,确保集团运营交易就绪,以及指导尽职审查,谈判和关闭11. Recommend viable and sustainable legal entity structure 推荐具有可行性和持续性的法人实体架构12. Controlling of finance of the construction project 对工程建设方面财务控制13. Long-term strategic planning and resource allocation for the Group参与集团长期战略计划和资源分配14. Aligning finance teams, performance management and training of finance staff 改进财务团队,绩效管理,和财务人员培训Qualifications:任职资格1. Relevant discipline in the areas of Accountancy, Finance, or Economics from good universities. Finance Degree /CPA/CFA/MBA preferred, with at least 7-8 years of work experience with ideally in manufacturing or horticulture environment. 正规大学会计,金融或经济等相关领域毕业。注册会计师,注册金融分析师或工商管理学硕士优先,至少7-8年制造业或园艺业相关工作经验。2. Minimum 3 years in a senior managerial position. 3年以上高级财务经理或财务总监管理职位经历3. Must possess strong analytical skills with a clear understanding and implementation of business processes and controls, cash and fund management. 具有较强的分析技能,清楚的认知和业务流程、控制、现金和资金管理的执行能力4. Reporting experience in all financial, management and compliance. 报告财务、管理和符合性等过程 5. Possess experience in cross border business and legal entities 具有对外贸易和经营实体的相关经验6. Exposure to corporate controllership, corporate finance in a corporate environment. 营造良好的管理氛围,组织管理好财务团队7. Ability to speak and write English is essential. 具备良好的英语听说能力Good communication skills, ability to motivate team member, aggressive and renitent.良好的沟通能力,激励团队成员的能力,有进取心和抗压能力

